I saw them kissing down in The Valley. Her Valley was spread out wide.
I opened closed, then shut my eyes to forget about the Fire.
I saw them groping down dear old Molly, her sweat a dripping sign that we was done, I'd just become a widower of my bride.
I came a coming with my Fire, to burn all of them inside. It looked as if my torch would take their voices and their pride.
Then I saw my dear old Molly her face a ghost of pale. My heart went quick, but not my hand so I knew right then and there.
That the Fire burning in the Valley would take my home as well. It ate my woods and coffined up Molly, Paul and Dale.
Nary couldn't of done much better, you see the heat it hides the smell, of them who burned for doing me wrong. I put them straight to Hell.
I love this. :-)